Saturday, December 11, 2004

Let's Get Started

Welcome to the Triad's newest web log. I am Patrick Eakes, not the soldier. The soldier will send me his notes via email for me to post to this blog. I will post his emails in full, only editing spelling and/or punctuation. Initially, these posts will originate from Fort Bragg during training, then Iraq during deployment.

The soldier is a close friend and in the NC National Guard Reserve. He formerly served in the US Army and has participated in multiple combat situations, including Desert Storm. The soldier is a first-rate leader and motivator, and he maintains one of the most positive and charming attitudes I have ever seen.

The soldier will give a candid view of his life and mission in Iraq. Our hope is that you will enjoy an unfiltered look into his experiences. Please visit regularly and post your comments and questions as they arise.